John 4:35  Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.

Herman and Mary rode along in their shiny new car. Mary said, "You know, Herman, if it weren't for money, this car wouldn't be here."  Herman said nothing. As they pulled into the driveway and admired their new home, Mary said, "You know, Herman, if it weren't for my money, this new house wouldn't be here." Herman said nothing. As they walked through their new home, Mary said, "You know, Herman, if it weren't for my money, none of this furniture would be here." Herman said nothing. After a couple of minutes, Herman finally spoke up. "You know, Mary, if it weren't for your money, I wouldn't be here!" Herman knew why he was here. Do we?

Jesus tells us. He sends us into the harvest field to find lost people - lost people who don't even know they're lost! Studies show that about 85 percent of people who trust Christ for salvation do so because a friend or relative told them about the grace of God in Jesus.

Mission isn't something extraordinarily we do somewhere else. We don't need to go to another country to live for Jesus. Our everyday life is the mission field God has given us. Instead of hemming and hawing, let's pray for an opportunity to tell others about our mighty and merciful Savior, whose cross and empty tomb announce life and forgiveness for the world.

Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,