Bill loves bow hunting. He loves it so much that he began setting boundaries for himself on how much time he spent in the woods, lest his marriage take a deer season size hit. His wife loves reading. She loves it so much that her children have to pass a hand in between her face and the book in order to get her attention. Some people love making their homes beautiful; some people love work; some people love their ideas or their minds. Luther tells us that our hearts are inclined to one interest or another. We are all leaning into something, making something the most important part of the day, that season, or this life. We can also do this with important relationships: loving our children, our spouse, or our friends so much that it crowds out the space intended for God.

Picture inclination not just as letters on a paper but as an action of the whole body. Whatever it is, we love it so much that we lean toward it rather than toward God. We rest our head on its chest; we snuggle to it so close that we can hear its heartbeat. This type of relationship is reserved only for God. We are invited to incline to Him, to lean into His heart and into His Word, and He overflows what we need for all the rest - time, energy, love, attention, and resources. Our inclination is intended only for One - the One who sacrificed everything, leaning into our world, to save us.

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