Ephesians 4:28  Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.

The Seventh Commandment, like all the Commandments, is foremost an offense against the First Commandment. To steal from another is to place our desire for something above God Almighty, the giver of all good things. In other words, we worship what we intend to steal. We look for satisfaction and security in the materials of this world rather than in our heavenly Father. This is the most eternally devastating aspect of stealing. So consumed in the anticipated joy of what we believe we must have, we underestimate the value of knowing God through His Son, Jesus Christ. The result is the loss not only of whatever we esteemed so highly as to steal but also of the everlasting life, peace, and joy of God's presence in heaven.

Additionally, stealing leads us away from the ministry of Jesus Christ. Paul explains in Ephesians 4:28 that our labor is intended to produce something valuable for our neighbor in need. Jesus came into the world needing nothing. He set aside the goodness of heaven in order to work for sinners. His entire life on earth was a labor of love, from which His Holy Spirit gives to us. Each day, Jesus resisted temptation and obeyed His Father so that, through faith, we could be counted sinless and perfectly obedient. He suffered and died innocently on the cross, from which we receive full forgiveness. Jesus did indeed work to share with those in need!

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