Matthew 15:28 O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire.

It's Wednesday. Some call this "hump day" as they struggle to get through the work week so they can relax and enjoy the weekend. I'm wondering if Jesus ever felt that way too. I'm wondering if he ever thought to himself: "Man, I'm glad that's over with!" Or if he ever just wanted to crawl in a hole and forget all those people who kept crying out for his attention and healing touch.

I can't help thinking of that woman who just wanted to get close enough to touch Jesus. But a touch wasn't enough for Jesus. He wanted her to look at his face abd see the love that was there. And he wants us to see that love too. That's why during Lent Jesus guides us to the cross to see that the most perfect healing of all came not just in a touch but in a life - his life, his love, his everything.

Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,