Luke 15:20  So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

Joan and Sally argued, said hurtful words, and broke off a three-year friendship. Although they each missed the other, neither would pick up the telephone to apologize. The breach lasted six long months.

One day Joan heard from a mutual friend that Sally's daughter was seriously ill and near death. Without a minute's hesitation, Jona grabbed her car keys and drove to the hospital. Sally looked up as Joan entered the little girl's room and saw that Joan's eyes were filled with love and concern. Sally reached out to Joan and the two women hugged. "I'm sorry," Joan whispered.

"Me, too," Sally responded, regretting the lost six months of her friend's companionship and support.

How often do we let petty issues create a rift in precious friendships? Our pride may keep us from apologizing or forgiving or both. So few of the issues we argue or disagree about are of eternal significance. Jesus said that we ought to reconcile with one another. He said that before we worship God we need to ensure that all is right between us and others. And often, when we do reach out or give in a little, we find that the other person is ready to resume the relationship. If you have a relationship that needs repair, begin the effort of reconciliation right away.

There was a rift between us and God; but Jesus reconciled the relationship through His death on the cross. We have His forgiveness to strengthen us as we forgive others.


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