Matthew 28:19  Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

The most diversely populated county in the United States by race, ethnicity, and religion is Queens, New York. In several distinct square miles of Queens, more than 120 nationalities speaking 170 languages share a neighborhood. Reaching "all nations" may mean walking around the block!

But even if representatives from every nation on the planet rented rooms in your home, it would make no difference if the two-letter command of Christ were ignored. "Go!" says the risen Lord. Go. Go teach and baptize. Go in the strong name of the Trinity with grace in Word and Sacrament. Go.

So let's take one step. The first step. The most critical step in following the Great Commission. And our first step is to seize as individuals and as the church of God what is given in Holy Baptism. The first step is to walk in union with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The life of God is the gift received in Baptism. The Father's love, the Son's grace, the Spirit's fellowship - these are the prerequisites in the Christian spirit empowering the first toddling step. Our spirits are filled to overflowing with the dynamics of our triune, living God. And so we are compelled to go. We go - whether to Queens, New York, or Queensland, Australia - with God!

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