John 9:3 This happened so that the work of God might be displayed.

Cause and effect, also referred to as the "law of the Medes and Persians" (what goes around comes around) is and has been through the centuries one of the tried and true counsels of wisdom passed on from the old to the young. "Don't do it. It'll come back to haunt you." And there is human truth in this counsel. Divine truth, however, runs deeper.

Conventional "wisdom" dictates that blindness, birth defects, or any human tragedy reveals in its malfunction the reality that "what's going around is coming around." To this Jesus says emphatically no!

Every human situation is redeemable in Christ. Every tragedy, every difficulty, every hard edge can and does bring us to a place where the "work of God might be displayed." That place, for you and for me, is at the foot of the cross. There God was reconciling the world in Christ. There God delivered healing and salvation in His Son. There what goes around and what comes around are stripped of their power to destroy. And what remains is life eternal in Christ Jesus.

If you have been laid low by some terrifying agony, take it to the cross. There the work of God will be displayed in your life.

Helping people live life with Jesus everyday,