The Bible is all about Jesus. The story of Jesus as Savior of the World frames the entire book from Genesis to Revelation. Inside the pages of the Bible, Jesus offers not just an invitation to be saved by Him, but to walk with Him and let Him be the Lord of our lives today. One of those invitations was very clearly given to a man named Peter.

You could argue that Peter is the only other fully formed character in the Gospels besides Jesus. He is listed first chronologically in any story that mentions disciples, and he is mentioned more than five times the number of any other disciple.

The story of forgiveness that Jesus offered Peter is the most personal and relational story of forgiveness in all of the Bible. While Jesus is the hero of the Bible, Peter serves a foil for Jesus. A foil is a supporting character whose part contrasts, highlights, and even exalts the qualities of the lead character. Just as Jesus reveals and represents God, Peter represents all who seek to follow Jesus.

The story of Peter and Jesus is significant for you and me, because much like Peter, we've been given a new name and identity in Jesus. And yet despite all that He's done for us, we still fall woefully short of God's expectation. If Jesus can forgive someone like Peter for what he did, He can forgive you too!

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