John 4:10  Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, 'Give me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water."

During World War II, the battle for North Africa boiled down to a drink of water - one drink of water! The Brits laid pipes from a nearby oasis, and their custom was first to test the pipes by filling them with water - salt water. Nazi patrols happened upon the pipes while they were being tested. The Germans thought they had struck gold. They made a hole in the pipe with a pickaxe and began to gulp down water - salt water. Hours later, British forces were shocked to see the Germans approaching with their hands raised, their mouths parched, and their voices crying out for water. It was the turning point in the battle for North Africa. It was the drink that made history.

John tells us about another famous drink. Christ offers "living water" to the Samaritan woman who had been through five marriages and was now living with yet another man. "Living water," though, implies that there is something called "dead water." The Samaritan woman knew. Dead water is the same excurse, day after day. Dead water is the same argument, day after day. Dead water is the same obsessive sin, day after day. It will eventually destroy us.

All of that can change. Come to Chriost's cross, the source of living water. Marvel at the water gushing from His open side. Just take a sip. It will be for you the drink that made history!

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