James 1:7  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

James includes an interesting phrase: "coming down from the Father" (1:17). Christians and unbelievers alike wonder why God doesn't provide according to their expectations. "A loving God would give everyone a million dollars!" "Lord, I need a job today; what are You waiting for?" Recall Exodus 16, when God sent manna to the Israelites in the desert. The Lord instructed the people to take what they needed for each day. Their heavenly Father would certain;y provide, but in such a manner that the people would be mindful of Him. Were God to give all we wanted or even needed immediately, we would be apt to disregard Him and waste all that He has provided. Remember the prodigal son?

We should never doubt or be surprised that God desires to and will provide our earthly needs. Why would He be stingy with food, clothing, or home when He has given us His very self in the Son, our Savior, Jesus blessing those who are His children and reaching out to those who are not. Beyond all the earthly needs and wants God satisfies, He knows that burden of our sins in order to bring sinners back to Himself. Our heavenly Father longs to bring home His prodigal sons and daughters. For when we have Him, all the provisions of this world will seem vain and pale.

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