Psalm 139:13-14  For You formed my inward parts; You knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well.

He's on His hands and knees, moving the very grains of sand into the curves and forms that would soon change into flesh and bone. He gently caresses with His fingers the muscles, organs, and skin that will allow this man, and ultimately a woman, to move with grace and flair in His creation. He leans over and, into the very nostrils He has carved out, breathes not just physical air that inflates the man's lungs and activates the blood that pulses through the man's body but even His very spirit into this man, and ultimately into that woman. They, the very image of God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - will imitate their Creator in love and power.

He gives us all that we need to be the ones who provide care and leadership in His creation. He calls us to follow Him in His creativity and in how He cares. We, the very real modern-day 4-D image of God, are called to serve as co-caretakers in our day and age.

When we sin and cross that line of selfishly believing we don't need God to continue this work, He does not abandon us. When we sin and actively harm or neglect His creation, He enters into it Himself, redeeming us through Jesus. He restores our very body and soul by His grace and gives us faith to once again join Him in His creative and sustaining work. May we in joy follow Him well!


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