Matthew 6:33  But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

God's kingdom sounds like a place we want to live in. Innocence, blessedness, and righteousness sound far better than pain, suffering, and struggle. However, every morning we rise up and every day we walk out our door, we are quickly reminded that it's not a simple either/or. Luther calls to our attention that we cannot be harmed by sin, death, or misfortune, but he never promises that they won't come to us within God's kingdom. Rather, we do rise up and walk out that door each day armed with the promises of God - armed with eternal life, joy, and salvation in Jesus Christ, Lord of all, master of our every day.

We "seek first the kingdom of God" every time we open our Bible, every time the Holy Spirit brings Him to mind, every time we breathe a prayer of help or praise. All these, alongside gathering with the Body of Christ, singing His praise, and taking His supper, give us strength to cling tight to the promise that "I may be His own" and walk with that promise into each day. Without this promise, we shrivel, we shrink back, we feel defeated before the day dawns. But with it, with "I am His own" on our souls, we are the warriors, the scribes, the laborers, and the carriers of hope for His kingdom everywhere we go. His kingdom is not found in our works, but we certainly bring His kingdom to all the work we touch by bearing His name.

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